exclude category home page

How to Exclude Specific Category Posts From Your WordPress Home Page

If you want to exclude specific category/categories posts from your WordPress home page, then this article is for you.

By default WordPress doesn’t allow the user’s to exclude a category posts from displaying on home page.

So here i will teach you the two methods to exclude a specific category posts from your WordPress home page.

let’s Start.

1: Exclude Category from Home Page Using Plugin

You can exclude specific category posts from home page by downloading Ultimate Category Excluder plugin.

After download, install & activate the plugin. Then go to Settings → Category Excluder

This plugin will display all the categories of your site.

exclude category from homepage38387305 - WebPlover

Now check the categories under ‘Exclude from Front Page’ which you want to exclude from home page.

This plugin also allows you to exclude specific categories from feeds, archives and search result.

After categories checked, click on the Update button.

Now the checked categories posts will not shows on your site home page.

2: Exclude Category from Home Page Using Code

In this method you have to add a piece of code to your theme, and you will be able to exclude specific category posts from your home page.

Add the below code to your theme functions.php or site-specific plugin.

function exclude_category_home( $query ) {
  if ( $query->is_home ) {
    $query->set( 'cat', '-26' );
  return $query;
add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_home' );

Its important to replace the ID (-26) with your category ID and don’t forget the (-) sign with ID.

If you don’t know how to find category ID, read it it will guide you to find category ID.

You can also exclude multiple categories from your home page, for this you have to add comma separate category ID’s in the above code.

For example : (-55,-6,-12)

{it will exclude categories from your home page, which has 55, 6 and 12 ID}


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