Website Design Form
  • Basic Info
  • Website Details
  • Design Details
  • Features Details
  • Technical Info
  • Business info
  • Finish

Basic Information/ Contact Information

Type the legal name of the website owner, for whom you want us to create the website.
Type your company name for which you want us to create a website.
Email is required to use as a point of contact in partner technology platforms, and on the website’s contact form page.
Phone number for privacy and contact details page
Type your business address. Share the operations address which you want us to list in the web directory.
What market segment are you trying to target through this website? Provide their location, demographics, interests or what seems to you related for better personalized design.
Type the category in which your business falls. Required for SEO and future ad setup.

What are your web design goals?

What are your web design goal? (Click where applicable)

List out what you want to achieve through this particular website.
Note: Type every objective in a separate line

List the major pages that you would like to have in your site.

Click on "+" button to add more pages.

Please list keywords that will help customers find you on the web

Please list the keywords that will help customers find you on the web. Required for content SEO purposes.
(Type each keyword in a separate line)

What type of images you want?

The Image tone, your website should communicate: (tick wherever applicable)

What type of color and font you want?

If you have any color or font preferences, specify them here. If you want our professional designers to choose what works best, leave it blank.

Choose Colors

Choose more colors by clicking on "+" button.

Choose Font

Look & Feel

Look and Feel, Structure and Layout:
List any sites you like.
Doing this will help guide us when we design your unique website.
Add more websites by clicking on "+" button.

Do you have a logo?

Do you want us to design you a logo?
Please describe what you would like in your website's logo

What type of features do you want in your website?

Choose the features you want us to develop on your website. Leave blank if you don't know about these features.
Note that the addition of some features may increase your development cost significantly.

Click on the "+" button to add more features.

User Registration (If Applicable)
Describe what Registered Users roles you are looking for? What ability do you want them to have on your website?

Technical Information

Business details

Help us better understand your business goals

Enter Links

Add social links by clicking on "+" button


How did you hear about us?

Please share where you found us